Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Archive for the ‘Baldwin County, AL’ Category

Watch for These Odd Noises From Your Furnace

Monday, October 21st, 2024

If you use a gas furnace to heat your home, you’ll soon be using it regularly as we get close to winter. We recommend you pay attention to any sounds that it makes when you start using it: please don’t ignore unusual sounds! An odd noise can be an early sign of trouble—and if you catch a problem early, you can prevent even more expensive repairs, a breakdown, or even a safety hazard. 

We handle repairs for furnaces in Baldwin County, AL, so we’re familiar with the different warning noises you may hear. Below, we’ll go over the more common ones.

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Fall Is the Best Time to Schedule Heating Maintenance

Monday, October 7th, 2024

Here at Peaden, we believe that fall is the ideal time to schedule heating maintenance in Baldwin County, AL, allowing you to avoid the rush and keep your system running efficiently when winter arrives. Today, we’ll explain why routine maintenance is crucial for your heating system. We offer an excellent maintenance program, the SmartCare Plan, that makes maintenance even easier to arrange and an even greater value.

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Was This the Last Summer for Your AC?

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

Now that it’s fall, it’s a good time to start making plans for the colder weather ahead. Soon you’ll shut off your air conditioning system and expect it to stay off for a long stretch. During this time, we want you to think seriously about whether we should replace your air conditioning system in the near future. Was this the last summer with your AC?

The choice for a new air conditioning installation in Baldwin County, AL isn’t an easy one—ACs are major pieces of necessary home equipment that require a significant investment. That investment is a worthwhile one if your current air conditioning system is coming to the end of its service life. Below, we’re going to look at the ways to tell that your AC has come to the end of its useful life.

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Watch Out for an Overheating AC at the End of Summer!

Monday, September 9th, 2024

Although people think of the start of September as the start of fall, the summer doesn’t officially conclude until later in the month. The summer heat certainly doesn’t automatically shut off just because the calendar flipped over a month. Intense heat waves often strike during September, so it’s important to watch out that your AC doesn’t overheat. You don’t want to be trapped with an end-of-season emergency with your air conditioning system, or even a replacement.

Here are some ways you can reduce the strain on your AC at this time of year. If you do need help, please reach out to us for air conditioning repair in Baldwin County, AL.

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You Can Avoid Most Heating Repairs If You Schedule This Service

Monday, August 26th, 2024

The weather is still hot, but we want you to turn your thoughts to your heating system for a moment. Trust us, this is worth it!

You’re in a position right now where you can reduce the chance of having to call for heating repair in Baldwin County during the winter and deal with your home lacking heating when you need it the most. All you need to do is arrange for this one service, one that’s easy to get done at the end of summer when you don’t need to have your heater running.

That service is … professional annual heating system maintenance.

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How Well Has Your Cooling System Worked This Summer?

Monday, August 12th, 2024
outdoor AC unit

We’re into the late summer now, and that means some of the most intense heat of the season. It’s also a time when we need to pay special attention to our air conditioning systems: they’ve already done plenty of work, and all that strain can add up to malfunctions or even a system breakdown.

But we want you to focus on your AC’s future right now, and the future of the comfort of home. Ask yourself how well your AC has done its job this summer and if you’ve noticed anything amiss. You may need to schedule service with our Baldwin County heating and air conditioning professionals to repair the unit. Or you may need to start considering having it replaced at the next convenient time.

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Why Your AC Won’t Stop Running

Monday, July 15th, 2024

What does your AC sound like when it runs normally during summer? You first hear the fan motor turn on, and then a deep whirring sound indicates the compressor is operating. The compressor puts refrigerant under pressure so it can start the process of pulling heat from the indoor air, which the blower then sends into the ductwork.

You can expect to hear the compressor running for 10–15 minutes, sometimes longer, to reach your desired cooler temperature. When your AC was installed, it was sized so that it would run in cooling cycles of about this length.

If you notice that your AC is running for much longer than 15 minutes, or even not shutting off at all unless you turn off the cooling mode from the thermostat, you have a potential problem on your hands. We’ll examine why this might happen, and whether it means you need to arrange for AC repair with our technicians.

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Why Won’t My AC Evenly Cool My Home?

Monday, July 1st, 2024

The wonders of the central air conditioning system: with just an adjustment to your thermostat, you get cool air sent to all the rooms. The conditioned air from the indoor evaporator moves through the ductwork, pushed by a blower fan, until it creates an even spread throughout the house that makes even the hottest day of summer easy to sail through.

However, you may run into a problem with your central AC and discover that it isn’t evenly cooling the house the way you expect. There are various reasons for this to happen: some you can correct on your own, while others will require contacting our expert technicians for AC repair in Baldwin County. Follow along with us as we go over the most common reasons for this cooling calamity.

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Should I Invest in a Tankless Water Heater?

Monday, June 17th, 2024

This is a big question that many homeowners find themselves facing when their old storage tank water heater is at last ready for the recycling yard. Getting a new storage tank water heater installation is straightforward, with few changes necessary for the professionals and a simple selection process. You, however, may be one of the legion of homeowners interested in making a major upgrade to how you heat the water your household uses daily. You’re interested in getting a tankless water heater.

Is this a wise investment? Is a tankless water heater in Baldwin County the right choice for your home? Let’s take a look below at the pros and cons of these water heaters. 

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Is a Heat Pump a Good Choice for Your Next HVAC Installation?

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

If you’re considering getting a new air conditioning system to replace an aging unit to handle the heat of the summer, you might want to consider taking a different approach to your HVAC system. There’s an alternative to the traditional central air conditioner, and that’s a heat pump. 

Heat pumps are rising in popularity across the country and the world now thanks to their energy efficiency and several other benefits. If you aren’t familiar with heat pumps, you can use this post as a quick guide to what they are and if they may be right for you. The best way to find out for certain if your home is an ideal candidate for a heat pump installation in Baldwin County, AL is to work with our pros. We’re the experts in helping people discover the best way to stay comfortable all year.

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