Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

5 Signs of a Water Leak in Your Home

Wednesday, October 25th, 2023

Water leaks are a homeowner’s nightmare. Not only can they lead to significant damage, but they can also spike up your water bill, sometimes without you even realizing there’s a problem. Recognizing the signs of a water leak in your home early on is crucial to mitigating potential damage and costs. Let’s dive into the five key signs that indicate a leak and discuss how to tell if you have a plumbing leak.

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How to Save Energy During the Summer Months

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

As the summer heat approaches, it is normal to want to turn up the air conditioning, take multiple showers a day, and run the laundry more frequently. But with all these activities comes an increase in energy costs that can quickly add up over time. So, if you’re worried about your wallet, you might want to know how to save energy during the summer months. Luckily, you can take steps to increase your savings while still keeping cool and comfortable in your home.

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How To Keep Bugs & Pests Out of Your Sewer Line

Wednesday, November 9th, 2022

Image of a cockroach on a white tile floor.Bugs and other pests from the sewer line are a nightmare for Florida homeowners. If you notice bugs coming from your sewer line, you must address the problem quickly before it becomes an infestation.

Pests like cockroaches and drain flies commonly live in sewer lines because they provide a safe and moist home where they can lay eggs.

You can take several steps to ensure your drains stay free of bugs and pests.

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Why Are There Pests in My Sewer Line?

While your sewer line may be one of the last places you’d like to call home, it’s a comfortable, safe space for pests. Sewer lines offer protection from the weather and other potentially harmful threats, making it a preferred nesting location. Many pests look for damp areas to lay their eggs.

Drains and sewer lines also provide bugs and pests with an endless food source. From your kitchen waste to your bathroom waste, pests love feeding on what you flush down your drains.

How To Get Rid of Drain Flies

Drain flies are a common sewer line pest. They can be found in kitchens and bathrooms and center around your sink. Gray and fuzzy drain flies feed on the organic sludge that can accumulate in your drains. They lay their eggs in the drain, and the adults climb out.

To get rid of them, remove the built-up food source by:

  • Dropping an enzyme cleaner into the drain
  • Slowly pour boiling water down the drain
  • Using bristle brush drain scrubbers to clean out the sludge

You may need more than one application to kill the drain flies completely.

Keep Roaches Out of Your Sewer Line

If you see roaches crawling out of your drains like a scene from a horror movie, then you want a plan to keep them out. The most important step is to make your home as uninviting as possible. Keep your drain clean from anything the roaches could eat.

Several types of bait and poison can help eliminate your problem if you have sewer roaches. You can also rely on professionals to help you get rid of them. They’ll thoroughly inspect and create a strategic plan to eliminate the problem.

Keep in mind that the sooner you act, the easier it will be to eliminate sewer roaches. Don’t wait to call a professional plumbing company if you see them.

Sewer Line Inspection & Cleaning in Panama City, FL

If you’d rather leave your sewer line cleaning to professionals – we don’t blame you – Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical is here to help. Our friendly and well-trained technicians will take care of your sewer lines.

We offer a full range of sewer line services, including:

Contact us at [site_info_phone_number] for professional plumbing services in the Panhandle.

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Best Types of Pipes for Florida Plumbing

Monday, July 11th, 2022

Ensuring you have the right pipes in your Florida home is essential for an efficient plumbing system. There are many different materials available for piping, and it’s important to choose the best for your situation.

This guide will discuss the many piping options and how they can benefit your plumbing system. With the right knowledge about your piping options, you can repipe your home or install pipes for your new construction, knowing that your plumbing will be in great shape.

Types of Pipes Commonly Used in Home Plumbing

A variety of pipes are used in home plumbing systems. Different materials provide different advantages depending on the local water quality and use. It’s also important to know how long your pipes should last, so you can stay on top of maintenance and repair needs.

Below, we outline the most common materials used for plumbing pipes and their benefits.

Galvanized Pipes

Galvanized pipes are made of steel and coated with a layer of zinc to help prevent corrosion and decay. These have been a popular choice for plumbing pipes for many decades. Over time, however, the zinc coating breaks down and can release the chemicals into the water line, leaving the pipes susceptible to decay.

Galvanized pipes tend to be wider, allowing more materials to flow through. They can also be one of the least expensive plumbing pipes available.

Cast Iron Pipes

Cast iron pipes are thick, sturdy, and wide for easy flow. These pipes were popular for decades but have since become less common. They tend to last 40–60 years before significant deterioration starts to set in. Cast iron pipes have been known to work well for 100 years or more when maintained properly.

Copper Pipes

Copper pipes are long-lasting, corrosion-resistant, and some of the most durable pipes available. These are known to last 50–70 years or longer when installed by an expert. Copper pipes can have some trouble with highly acidic water, but they’re a reliable choice overall.

They can handle up to 1000 psi of pressure and are an excellent option for hot and cold water lines.

Stainless Steel Pipes

Stainless steel pipes are designed to resist corrosion and last for years. The strength of these pipes surpasses copper and galvanized pipes, making them very reliable in the long run. Stainless steel piping is also energy-efficient, holding in heat more tightly than most other piping options.

These pipes are a great option for delivering hot water throughout a home.

PVC Pipes

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) piping is environmentally friendly, available in various thicknesses, and designed to last 100 years or more. PVC pipes are cost-effective and safe for drinking water delivery. These pipes have shown promise when used in a wide range of applications, from drinking water delivery to sewage removal and more.

PEX Pipes

Polyethylene (PEX) piping is corrosion-resistant, flexible, and easy to install. It has become a popular option for homeowners and business owners over the years. PEX piping can be a bit costly, but it’s not the most expensive piping on the market. It also requires very minimal maintenance.

The Best Pipe Material for Florida Homes

Piping systems in residential properties throughout Florida need to handle hard water. Many areas of the state deal with hard water or high amounts of calcium and magnesium in the water. This often shows up as a thin white film on washed drinking glasses or a slimy feeling after washing your hands.

Over time, calcium, magnesium, and other materials can collect within a pipe, delivering higher concentrations of these materials into the water supply. These materials can also slow water flow until the materials break down.

The best pipe material for Florida homes is any type that resists this buildup. PVC pipes come in various thicknesses and are well-known for safely delivering drinking water throughout a home. PEX pipes are corrosion-resistant, so hard water won’t easily break them down.

Depending on your home and specific needs, different piping materials may be better for different applications.

Whatever plumbing pipes you choose for your home, let Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical handle the installation. Our expert plumbers have installed pipes of every kind in homes throughout the Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, and Panama City region. You can count on us for a job well done.

Contact us today to get started on your plumbing pipe installation project.

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The Best Ways To Unclog a Drain Without Chemicals

Wednesday, May 25th, 2022

Person using a drain snake to unclog a bathroom sinkHow To Unclog a Drain Naturally

Using chemical cleaners to clear a drain clog can often do more harm than good. These chemicals can eat away at your pipes, causing them to deteriorate over time. Instead, homeowners should seek out alternative methods for unclogging a drain that do not rely on the use of chemicals.

But what chemical-free methods are the most effective for eliminating stubborn blockages? Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical highlights some of the best ways to unclog a drain without chemicals in the blog below!

Method #1 – Try a Plunger

Bathroom sinks and shower drains are notorious for accumulating hair and soap scum. While the plunger might be the go-to tool for clearing out a clogged toilet, plungers can also be used to get rid of stubborn blockages in your drains.

Here’s how you can use a plunger to unclog your bathroom drains:

  1. Remove the plug or drain stop cover from the drain.
  2. Allow the faucet to run until there is approximately 1 inch of water in the sink or tub.
  3. Cover the drain with the plunger to create a seal around the entire drain opening.
  4. Pump the plunger rapidly for up to 30 seconds.
  5. Remove the plunger and watch the water drain. If there is still water in the basin, repeat steps three and four again.

Method #2 – Use Baking Soda & Vinegar

Baking soda is an all-natural cleaner that’s excellent for eating away stubborn sludge. By combining this natural cleaner with some vinegar and boiling water, homeowners can concoct a chemical-free clog removal solution in no time.

Follow the steps below to use baking soda and vinegar to clear your drains:

  1. Boil a kettle of water and pour it down the drain to loosen any debris.
  2. Boil an additional kettle of water.
  3. Make a solution with 1 cup of vinegar and 1 cup of water.
  4. Pour 1 cup of baking soda and the solution down the drain.
  5. Plug the drain and wait 10 minutes.
  6. Pour the second kettle of water down the drain.

The chemical reaction between the baking soda and vinegar should be enough to loosen a minor clog. By sending down the boiling water afterward, all the loosened materials are then flushed out of the pipe.

Method #3 – Use a Drain Snake

A drain snake is often the best DIY option unclogging a drain. Drain snakes are specifically designed to travel to hard-to-reach parts of your pipes to unclog your system. When used correctly, they can do wonders for removing difficult blockages. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Put the end of the drain snake into the drain.
  2. Turn the handle, pushing the tip of the snake further into the drain.
  3. Keep cranking the handle until you begin to feel resistance.
  4. Rotate the snake, continuing to crank until you feel it break through the blockage.
  5. Crank the handle in the opposite direction to pull the snake out of the drain once it makes its way through the clog.
  6. Run hot water into the drain for a couple of minutes to flush out any remaining debris.

How to use a drain snake

When To Call a Professional Plumber for Help

In some cases, a drain clog requires professional help to clear entirely. Contact a plumber for help if:

  • Multiple drains are backed up simultaneously.
  • You smell sewage odors in the home.
  • You see particularly lush areas of your lawn.
  • None of the DIY methods worked.
  • You have an old plumbing system that needs professional attention.

These symptoms could point to a larger problem within your plumbing system, including sewer line blockages, a sewer line break, or tree root infiltration. Each of these problems requires the skilled attention of a qualified plumbing professional to diagnose and repair properly with methods including hydro/sewer jetting.

Have a Stubborn Drain Clog? Call the Plumbers at Peaden!

If you’re experiencing stubborn drain clogs in your home, don’t hesitate to contact the plumbers at Peaden to put your problems to rest.

Our team has over 50 years of experience eliminating blockages from Florida Panhandle plumbing systems. Using our sophisticated video camera pipe inspection technology and state-of-the-art hydro jetting equipment, our team can effectively remove even the most stubborn drain blockage from your system.

From professional drain cleaning to sewer line clog removal, we’ll resolve your plumbing clog in no time. Call Peaden at (855) 557-7878 to request drain clog removal services in Pensacola, Panama City, or Fort Walton Beach today!

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Top 5 Signs You Need Sewer Repair

Monday, February 28th, 2022

Sewer line issues are particularly difficult to identify because the pipe is buried in your yard. Without an inspection from a professional plumber, you can’t easily see if and where your sewer line is leaking, clogged, or infiltrated by tree roots.

Even if you can’t see the damage yourself, you can often notice the side effects of sewer line damage if you know what to look for.

The plumbing team at Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical has compiled a list of common signs you need sewer line repair so you’ll know when to call us for service.

1. Persistent Drain Clogs and Slow Drainage

There might be a deeper reason why pesky drains keep clogging, especially if you’re experiencing issues across multiple drains.

Consult a plumber instead of buying bottle after bottle of drain cleaner to no avail. Professional sewer jetting is the ultimate solution for clearing a sewer line clog.

2. Increased Pests in Your Yard

If rodents and insects are suddenly hanging around your yard, you may have a sewer line leak.

Pests are attracted to the smell and dampness of a broken sewer line and may find their way into your home through cracks in the pipe.

3. Gurgling Toilets

Your toilets shouldn’t be making excessive noises when they’re not in use.

Bubbling or gurgling toilets often appear before sewage backup, so you may be able to save your home from significant sewer waste damage if you act quickly.

4. Noticeable Sewage Smells

Whether it’s an unmistakable sewage smell or a musty or mildewy odor, it won’t disappear anytime soon if you ignore it.

A professional plumber can identify the source of the odor and repair the cracked pipe or leaking joints.

5. Lush Patches on Your Lawn

Sewage can act as fertilizer for your grass if it’s seeping through the pipe and into the surrounding soil.

These patches are one of the clearest signs that you have a sewer line issue and can help your plumber identify the exact location of the break.

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Contact Peaden for Sewer Line Repair & Replacement in the Florida Panhandle

If any of the signs above seem too familiar, call Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical today! We have over 50 years of experience serving Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, and Panama City, so we’ve seen and resolved every sewer line issue for every type of sewer pipe.

When you call us for sewer line service, we’ll conduct a comprehensive sewer line inspection to get to the root of the issue quickly and effectively. Based on the severity of the break and the age of your sewer line, we’ll work with you to determine if you need sewer line repair or replacement.

Contact us online or call [site_info_phone_number] to schedule sewer service today!

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Questions to Ask Plumbers or Electricians

Tuesday, June 16th, 2020


Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing and Electrical wants to make sure you are always happy with our work and service, as well as recommend us to your friends and family who live in or around the Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach and Panama City areas.  One of the ways we ensure customer satisfaction, is to educate our customers so they can learn as much about us — or any electrician or plumber, for that matter — so that you know you get the best work possible.

10 Questions You Should Ask Your Plumber or Electrician:

  1. Are you licensed?

    Electricians are required to be licensed in most states and municipalities, plumbers are certified tradesmen. Don’t consider one who isn’t properly licensed. We are happy to share our company and technical staff licensing information for you.

  2. Are you insured?

    This is an important question for the electrician given the potentially high liability for this work. The industry often recommends that electrician contractor carry at least $500,000 in liability and workers’ compensation insurance.  Plumbers should also carry liability and worker’s compensation insurance.  Again, we are pleased to share our insurance with you.

  3. What kind of work do you do most?

    Like many contractors, electricians and plumbers often specialize in one area or another.  Maybe your technician doesn’t fit your project, so it’s helpful to find out.

  4. What special training or experience do you have for this kind of work?

    This expands on the question right above. It’s helpful if your electrician or plumber has experience working with exactly what you need.


  5. Will you provide references?

    References are particularly important, aren’t they?  It’s hard to judge the quality of the technician’s work when you can’t see it.  We enjoy letting you know our great customer references for any and all work we do.

  6. What does your estimate include?

    In addition to complete pricing, be sure to discuss incidentals, like repairing drywall and other things affected by the work. Chances are, you’ll be responsible for them and you may not need an extra expense!

  7. Do I need a permit? Who will obtain it?

    A permit ensures electrical and plumbing work will be checked by a city inspector – this is really a protection for all homeowners. It’s standard procedure for electrical contractors to pull permits, and a certified plumber should know and understand the codes he, too, works under.

  8. Who will perform the work?

    Please don’t assume the person you talk to will be the one doing your work. Ask about our rates and for all of our different technician qualifications.

  9. What will you guarantee/warranty?

    Learn how well our professionals stand behind their work. Also, it’s typical that electricians typically assume responsibility for fixtures, devices and other equipment they buy for your project.

  10. May I see a work in progress?

    Depending on the nature of your project, it might be helpful to visit an electrician’s current job, for a behind-the-scenes look at the work.

  11. [cta_button url=”” text=”Hire an Expert” phone=”(855) 557-7878″]

Remember, a trusted electrician and plumber is a valuable partner and member of your household.  We work hard to promise that the electrician or plumber you hire with us today will be your go-to technician in emergencies and additional projects.

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Questions to Ask Plumbers or Electricians

Monday, January 6th, 2020


If you live in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City and are experiencing plumbing or electrical issues in your home, it is time to look for plumbing work by an electrician. When you are looking for this type of service, you may want to ask the professionals you find certain questions to make sure they are right for the job.

Are you licensed?

One of the questions that you may want to ask when looking for plumbing work by an electrician is – Are you licensed? You want to make sure you hire a licensed electrician to ensure the job gets done correct. In addition, you can be assured that a licensed electrician will have the education and training needed to make sure the job is done safely. Without a license, the electrician may not be able to do the job correctly and this could lead to a fire or other damage.

Are you insured?

You may also want to ask the electrician if they are insured. This is another important factor when looking for plumbing work by an electrician. If there is any damage or faulty work done, the insurance will cover it and it won’t be more money coming out of your pocket. The liability when it comes to electrical work is quite high. This is why is so important for the electrician that you hire to be insured.

Do you provide an estimate?

You probably want to know how much the repairs are going to cost you before you get the bill. If this is the case, you will want to ask the electrician if they provide an estimate beforehand. Most reliable electricians will offer free estimates. However, this is still something that you should ask about to make sure. You should also ask if the parts and labor will be included in that estimate, so there are no surprises when it comes time to pay your bill.

What is your expertise?

If you are getting plumbing work by an electrician, you probably want to know what their expertise is. How many years of experience do you have in plumbing work? How many years have you worked as an electrician? What types of issues have you worked on in the past? The more that you know about their expertise, the more assured you will be when it comes to hiring them to do the plumbing work that you need to have done.

These are some of the questions that you may want to ask when looking for plumbing work by an electrician. If you have any further questions please feel free to ask when you contact the Peaden electrician. During your phone call, talk with the electrician or professional about what services you believe you need. When it is time to come to your home to make the assessment, the electrician can let you know what repairs or labor will be involved.

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Increasing the Longevity of Your Pipes

Monday, December 23rd, 2019


For those who live in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City, it is important to know how to increase the longevity of your pipes. When it comes to the plumbing system in your home or business location, you need to make sure your pipes stay durable and working well. If you don’t increase the longevity of your pipes, it is likely that you will have many more plumbing repair jobs that need to be done. If you already have repairs that need done, call Peaden plumbing repair experts today.

Proper Water Pressure

One of the tips for increasing the longevity of your pipes is to make sure you have the proper water pressure. If your water pressure is too high, it is likely to cause strain on your pipes. The connections between your pipes can wear out faster, as well. The PSI at your home should be under 85 to keep your pipes safe. If you don’t currently have a water pressure gauge, you should check into getting one.

No Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemicals can be harmful to put down your drain pipes. They will eat away what is stuck in your pipes. However, once they have gotten the junk out of your pipes, the chemicals will continue eating away at your pipes, too. If you want to increase the longevity of your pipes, be sure you don’t use chemical drain cleaners.

Take Care of Leaks Right Away

If you have any leaks in your pipes, you need to contact Peaden plumbing repair experts to handle these leaks right away. The longer you leave a leak, the bigger the problem is going to turn into. It might seem like a small leak can wait. However, it can quickly turn into a huge leak and cause a lot of damage. Even little leaks can cause damage to your pipes and the connections between the pipes.

Consistent Drain Cleaning

If you keep letting junk build up in your pipes, it is going to cause the water to have to do a lot more work to get through the pipes. The extra strain that is being put on your pipes is going to weaken them and cause leaks or even further damage. Don’t let this happen. Make sure you consistently clean your drains. It should be done at least once or twice each year.

These are some of the tips that you need to increase the longevity of your pipes. If you already have pipe damage for any reason, you should reach out to Peaden plumbing repair experts right away. From this point forward, though, make sure you are sticking to these tips if you want to protect the longevity of your pipes.

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Most Common Household Plumbing Issues

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

flooded bathroom

As a homeowner, you can feel peace of mind knowing the home is yours. You get to do what you wish with it. You can redesign it, change things around, have parties, and much more. While all that is positive, there is one downside of owning a home. You have to deal with issues when they arise. There are many common household plumbing issues that you should be aware of. If you run into any of these issues, you should know that Peaden is the first place you can call. We have professional plumbers who can come out and fix these things for you. If you are in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City contact us with your plumbing issues.

Slowly Draining Sink

Most likely this is a problem that is caused by some sort of blockage in your drain. The blockage is restricting the flow of water. There could be food, oil, or something else clogged in your drain. If it is your bathroom sink that is draining slowly, more than likely, there is hair clogged in the drain. This is something you can call Peaden for. Our professional plumbers can come out and fix this issue for you.

Faucet Dripping

Peaden repair man fixing sink

One of the most common plumbing issues is when a faucet is dripping. You may ignore this for quite some time, but eventually it gets irritating. Not only that, but the longer you leave your faucet dripping, the more water that is getting wasted. This equals increased water bills as well. Don’t keep letting that faucet drip. Work with a Peaden plumbing repair expert to get it fixed right away.

Reduced Water Pressure

Many older homes have reduced water pressure. There could be many reasons for this. Two of the most common reasons are that you need a new shower head, faucets, or there could be a leak in the home. If you experience reduced water pressure, contact Peaden right away to have this repaired.

Clogged Toilet

You may also get a clogged toilet. This can be very frustrating. Your toilet keeps filling up and you are afraid it is going to overflow. That will be a huge mess that you don’t want to have to clean up. Generally, this backup is caused by human waste or too much toilet paper backed up in the toilet. Sometimes this can be tough to fix. However, you can contact Peaden and we can  take care of this issue for you.

Constantly Running Toilet

peaden plumber fixing toiletHaving your toilet constantly running can cost a lot of money. You may be losing hundreds of gallons of water. Most of the time, this issue is caused from a broken valve. While this can be a fairly easy fix, it may be best to leave it up to the professionals at Peaden.

Leaking Pipes

You may be experiencing leaking pipes. This can be a very concerning problem. While it happens a lot more during the colder months, it can happen at other times throughout the year as well. Many pipes start leaking around the joints. You should watch for ceiling or ground spots that are wet around these areas. It can cost a lot to have water damage repaired in the home. You should catch the leaking pipes before major issues occur.  If you notice leaking pipes, you can have them repaired by a professional and save yourself a lot of money.

Issues with the Water Heater

Having issues with your water heater can be extremely frustrating. Does your shower or bath water get cold all of a sudden? There are many things that can create problems with your water heater. It could be something as minor as the pilot light being blown out or something bigger. You can contact Peaden and our professional plumbers can come take a look. We will repair any issue that may be going on.

These are some of the most common household plumbing issues. If you have experienced any of these issues or if you do in the future, know that the professional plumbers at Peaden are ready to help you today. We have years of experience with these common household plumbing issues and others as well. Whether you just have a minor issue or something more extreme, it is always best to leave the job up to the experts. Peaden is the place to call. Reach out to us if you ever need any plumbing help.

Failure of the Sump Pump

If the sump pump has failed, this could be a big issue. This tends to happen more often in areas that get a lot of heavy rainfalls. If you need to have your sump pump repaired, Peaden has the plumbing repair services you need. If you want your sump pump maintained, so you can prevent this issue, we can do that for you as well.

These are some of the most common plumbing issues. Now that you know more about them, you can contact Peaden if you need any of these issues or other plumbing issue assessed and repaired.

Call Peaden to schedule an appointment with our plumbing experts today.

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