Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioner Repair’

When Your AC Turns Noisy—What’s Going On?

Monday, October 7th, 2024

We’ve seen countless homeowners struggle with one common issue: noisy air conditioning units. Your air conditioner should keep your home comfortable without drawing attention to itself. But when it starts making unusual noises, it’s a sign that something could be wrong. Ignoring those sounds might lead to bigger, more expensive problems down the road. 

Today, we’ll examine the common reasons behind a noisy AC and how our Peaden Pros can help you restore peace and quiet to your home with AC repair.

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Never Let AC Repairs Linger After Summer

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

It’s now fall, and we can expect the heat to start winding down. That will mean winding down the use of air conditioning in Panama City. That doesn’t mean we can’t stop thinking entirely about our air conditioning systems.

For example, you may have noticed some issues with your AC recently, such as trouble hitting the cool temperature you want, hot spots around your house, strange noises, or rapid starting and stopping. These are all reasons for concern and may indicate your air conditioning system needs to have professional repairs. Please don’t ignore this possibility just because summer is over and you can expect cooler temperatures. We’ll explain why acting on AC repairs as soon as possible is always a good idea, even when it’s not summer.

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The Great AC Debate: Repair vs. Replace

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

AC repair or AC replacement? That may be the question, at least right now as the fall starts and you take stock of how your air conditioning system did over the summer. 

When an air conditioner approaches the end of its service life, it becomes tempting to continue to repair it so it can keep working for as long as possible. Sometimes, this is the right choice. Other times, it’s far more economical to invest in replacing the unit, even though it requires a larger investment.

We’re going to look into the “repair vs. replace” AC debate to help you know when it’s best to invest in air conditioning replacement or air conditioning repair in Wakulla County.

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Watch Out for an Overheating AC at the End of Summer!

Monday, September 9th, 2024

Although people think of the start of September as the start of fall, the summer doesn’t officially conclude until later in the month. The summer heat certainly doesn’t automatically shut off just because the calendar flipped over a month. Intense heat waves often strike during September, so it’s important to watch out that your AC doesn’t overheat. You don’t want to be trapped with an end-of-season emergency with your air conditioning system, or even a replacement.

Here are some ways you can reduce the strain on your AC at this time of year. If you do need help, please reach out to us for air conditioning repair in Baldwin County, AL.

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Hot Spots in the House: What They Mean for the AC

Monday, September 9th, 2024

The greatest benefit of having a central air conditioning system for your home is that you receive cooling in all the rooms connected to the ductwork. If you have the right AC and ductwork in good condition, you can expect an even spread of cooling around the rooms. There may be a few fluctuations, such as in rooms that get more sun exposure, but overall the comfort level should be equal.

But if you start to notice hot spots around the house where there weren’t any before—it could mean something is wrong with the air conditioner or another part of the HVAC system, like the thermostat or the ductwork. We’re going to look at what those hot spots might mean for your HVAC in Crestview.

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Our Guide to Troubleshooting a Faulty AC

Monday, August 26th, 2024

Battling the late summer heat can sometimes put too much strain on your AC. You may find yourself facing an overheated house because your air conditioner isn’t putting in the work it normally does, or it’s not working at all!

What can you do? You always have the terrific resource of calling our team for AC repair in Mobile County. We’ve got the professionals you can trust.

But before you grab your phone, take some time to go through basic AC troubleshooting steps. You may have a simple problem at the heart of your air conditioning dilemma. Follow along as we walk you through troubleshooting that air conditioning system.

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Could the Thermostat Be Behind Your AC Troubles?

Monday, August 26th, 2024

The thermostat is a device people often take for granted in their homes. You make adjustments to it when your cooling needs change in the summer, but if it’s programmable you may simply set it and forget it. There’s nothing wrong with that: it’s one of the benefits of having a programmable thermostat in the first place. 

Overlooking the thermostat can be a problem if the thermostat is responsible for a malfunctioning air conditioning system. When you’ve got a faulty AC that’s not turning on, turns on and off too often, runs for too long, or fails to keep the house as cool as you want it, you may need AC repair that specifically targets the thermostat—or even replaces it.

How can a faulty thermostat create AC problems? Follow along below and we’ll explain.

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My AC Shuts Down Early! What’s Wrong?

Monday, August 26th, 2024

How long should your AC run? As long as necessary to reach the temperature you set on the thermostat. In most cases that will take from 15 to 20 minutes. You’ll get used to how your AC runs through cooling cycles through the summer, hearing the hum of the compressor periodically as it kicks on to start cooling your home.

If your AC’s regular pattern of cooling cycles changes so that the unit keeps shutting down early after less than 10 minutes, and then turns back on again a short time later, you’ve got a problem. This situation is called short cycling, and there are several possible causes. No matter the cause, short cycling on its own will wear down your AC unit and waste power. 

Below we will examine some of the common causes of short-cycling to help you know when it’s time to call the Peaden Pros for AC repair in Pensacola.

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How Well Has Your Cooling System Worked This Summer?

Monday, August 12th, 2024
outdoor AC unit

We’re into the late summer now, and that means some of the most intense heat of the season. It’s also a time when we need to pay special attention to our air conditioning systems: they’ve already done plenty of work, and all that strain can add up to malfunctions or even a system breakdown.

But we want you to focus on your AC’s future right now, and the future of the comfort of home. Ask yourself how well your AC has done its job this summer and if you’ve noticed anything amiss. You may need to schedule service with our Baldwin County heating and air conditioning professionals to repair the unit. Or you may need to start considering having it replaced at the next convenient time.

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Top Ways to Tell Your AC Need Professional Repairs

Monday, August 12th, 2024

The last thing you want to deal with during a hot summer day is to have your air conditioning system fail on you. You’ll need to call for AC repair, and although we have a team of fast technicians, we can’t get to you instantly, especially during the hottest days when other people will have their own AC emergencies. If possible, you want to detect trouble with your air conditioner before it worsens to the point that you’re stuck with a busted system and a boiling hot home.

You’ll need to know what to look for that will tell you you’ve got an AC heading for trouble. We’ll go over the most common signs that it’s time to call us for AC repair in Navarre.

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