Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

5 Tips To Help You Avoid Costly AC Repairs This Summer

Wednesday, February 10th, 2021

Peaden HVAC technician repairing an air conditioner

When you have an air conditioning unit you rely on to keep your family or employees comfortable and productive, you want to stay on top of repairs. While AC repairs are a necessary part of owning a unit, many repairs can be prevented.

Here are a few tips to ensure you have a comfortable summer with as few AC repairs as possible (if any at all).

#1: Schedule Service Before the Hottest Months

You don’t have to wait until you have an issue to call and have your air conditioner serviced. Call before the hottest months and have your AC unit cleaned and inspected by a professional so you stay on top of any issues the heat can bring about.

If you notice you need an AC repair, don’t hesitate to call because it’s summer and you think the company will be too busy. Call when you need to, but if you can be proactive, you may save yourself some time and discomfort.

#2: Get a Programmable Thermostat

programmable smart home thermostatIf you want to avoid needing AC repairs, invest in a programmable thermostat so you have control over your temperatures when you’re away from home.

The more you learn about the best practices for programmable thermostats and temperature settings, the more money you’ll save on your energy bill and the longer your unit will last.

#3: Start Paying Closer Attention to Filters

When the weather is perfect and you don’t have to use your AC as much, you often won’t have to change your filters as frequently. However, be sure you don’t use this as the standard for how often to clean filters.

In the hottest months of the year, you’ll need to change your filters more often because the unit works harder to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

#4: Insulate Your Home Better

You can give your air conditioner a major break when you have a well-insulated home, from the windows to the attic. Take the time to ask the AC repair company what you can do to make sure your home is properly keeping the cool air in.

You’ll be surprised how many things you can do that are affordable, plus a few updates you can make to add value to your home and prevent AC repairs.

#5: Don’t Forget the Outside Unit

HVAC technician performing routine maintenanceWhile people tend to focus on the thermostat and filters, make sure you spend a little time outside cleaning up any debris that has fallen and removing any vines that may have grown into the fan.

When you keep this area of your cooling system clean and stay aware of how it should sound and act when it’s working properly, you’ll find you’re much quicker to spot signs of trouble.

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Do You Have Smells Coming from Your Air Conditioning Unit?

Monday, May 25th, 2020

Odd HVAC Smells & What You Should Do About Them


Peaden AC technician


While living in or around Pensacola, Walton Beach or Panama City, you know what it’s like to live with hot days and nights, and humidity.  Humidity and excessive moisture can be as tough on your body as they are on your air conditioner. 

Once that moisture gets trapped in your air conditioner and flows through your home’s ductwork, you could be in for a rough, smelly time in your home, not to mention putting your health at risk.  Ask yourself what smells you notice in your home every time you use your air conditioner.  Do you notice any of these odors?

Dirty, Old Socks

Does your air conditioning unit smell like dirty, old socks? Dirty sock Syndrome is the foul, moldy-smelling odor that comes from your air conditioner when you first turn it on. This can be really bothersome. If you have this smell coming from your ac unit, the condenser might be the problem.

At times, bacteria will grow on the ac unit condenser coils. This is what causes it to smell like dirty, old socks. With this smell, the good news is that all you probably need to do is have a Peaden ac repair expert come and clean the condenser coils. They may need to sanitize the condenser, as well.

Gun Powder

Are you smelling gun powder wafting throughout your home? If so, this is not a good thing. It means that there is something burning. If this smell occurs, you should instantly go to your breaker box and turn the HVAC system off. Then, contact your local fire department, and don’t go back into your home until you are told it is okay.

Once you do go back into your home, you can call a Peaden AC repair expert. The gun powder smell can indicate a short from the air conditioner’s circuit board, or fan motor.  The smell could also be from an overheating motor, a wiring issue, or some other mechanical problem.

Dirty Trash Smell

Do you notice the smell of trash coming from your vents after turning on your air conditioning unit? If so, different things could cause this. However, one of the main causes is that an animal died in the HVAC system and needs to be taken out. This happens a lot in the winter. If you suspect this has happened, you should turn your air conditioning unit off, open your windows, and contact an ac repair expert.

These are some of the most common smells that come from air conditioning units. If you notice that any of these smells have been coming from your vents, you should reach out to Peaden ac repair experts. The expert that comes to your property will asses the issue and they can make any repairs that are required. Sometimes it is just a matter of cleaning something out and other times something has been damaged and needs to be repaired.

Rotten Egg or Sulphur Smell

Never, ever ignore the Rotten Egg Smell! It could be the smell of leaking gas!

While natural gas is naturally odorless, manufacturers are required to add a chemical called mercaptan to give it that rotten egg smell. If that is what you are smelling, it’s an emergency, so follow these steps:

  1. Don’t operate anything electrical.
  2. Don’t operate matches or lighters.
  3. If there are any open flames, such as candles, put them out.
  4. Open as many doors and windows as you can.
  5. Turn off your gas supply at the meter.
  6. Contact the gas company.
  7. Have the gas company turn the gas back on for you when it is safe.

Fumes from Exhaust

Do you smell fumes from an exhaust through your vents? If this is the smell you have in your home, one of the main reasons is that your ac unit or condenser is leaking fluid. It is more than likely leaking on the motor or a different portion of the ac system that is warmed up. If this is happening, contact an ac repair expert right away.

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If You Notice These Things You Need AC Repair Services Right Away

Saturday, May 16th, 2020


Are you wondering if you need AC repair services in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City? Maybe there is something going on with your air conditioning unit that seems out of the ordinary or odd. If this is the case, you can always contact Peaden ac repair experts today. You can let the expert know what is going on and they can determine what services you might need. Still not sure if you need to make that call? Below are some of the reasons why you might need AC repair services right away.

Loud or Odd Noises

Is there a noise coming from your air conditioning unit that is loud or odd? If so, it may be time to contact Peaden ac repair experts. Some of the noises that you might hear a clunking, rattling, buzzing, clanking, thumping, or banging. Air conditioning units should be quiet. Yes, from time to time, you may hear slight noises. However, there shouldn’t be anything too loud or odd coming from your air conditioning unit.

Weird Odors

Do you notice a weird odor coming from your vents? Maybe it smells like dirty socks, rotten eggs, burning, exhaust fumes, mold, or chemicals. If you are noticing any of these odd-smelling odors, then you shouldn’t wait any longer to contact Peaden ac repair experts. These odors could mean there is an electrical issue, fried circuits, a natural gas leak, fluids leaking, or another issue.

High Cooling Costs

Have you recently noticed that your utility bill has skyrocketed after using your air conditioning unit? If so, this could signify a wide range of issues with your ac unit. If you want to get to the bottom of these high utility bills, you should have an ac repair expert come take a look at your unit. They can assess what the issue is and make any necessary repairs.

Can’t Keep a Regular Temperature

When you run your air conditioning unit, do you find that you can’t keep a regular temperature in your home? Does the temperature go up and down and back again? This could mean that your air conditioning unit isn’t working properly. It could be something minor or there could be a major repair that needs to be made.

If you notice any of these things happening with your air conditioning unit, you shouldn’t wait it out. If there is an issue with your ac unit and you just leave it, the problems could get much worse. Your entire air conditioning unit could become damaged. If there is just a minor issue at this point, it is better and more affordable to have that fixed, than to have bigger issues in the future.

You can contact Peaden ac repair experts today. Let them know what your ac unit issue is and they can come to make any repairs that may be needed.

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Best Tips for Efficiency of Your HVAC System

Monday, April 20th, 2020


As a homeowner in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City, you have got to take care of every aspect of your home and that includes your HVAC system. However, many homeowners find they have issues with their HVAC system. If you are constantly having issues with your HVAC system, it is important to learn more about how to properly maintain your system and how to keep it running efficiently.

Keeping the System Clean

If you don’t keep your HVAC system cleaned out, dust, dirt, and other pollutants are going to build-up inside of it and on top of it. With time, this build-up is going to restrict the airflow and make it much harder for your HVAC system to work properly. You will probably find that it is more and more difficult to keep the temperature in your home comfortable. If your HVAC system gets dirty, you are going to use excess energy which will raise your energy bill. If you need regular maintenance and cleaning on your HVAC system, be sure to call the AC repair experts today.

Use Your Ceiling Fans

Many people don’t think their ceiling fans are beneficial during the warmer months of the year. However, your ceiling fans work like wind, they cool you down enough, so you don’t have to constantly crank up your air conditioning unit. If you want lower energy bills throughout the warmer months of the year, take advantage of your ceiling fans.

Consistent Thermostat

Every degree that your home’s HVAC system uses to cool your home takes 8 – 10% more energy. For instance, if you have your home’s thermostat at 68 during the summer months, you will be using 40% more energy than if you set it at 72. Don’t keep increasing and lowering your thermostat. Find a temperature that works for you. The more consistent your thermostat is, the less fluctuating your energy bill will be.

Maintenance Appointments

Finally, if you want your HVAC system to be the most efficient, you need to make sure it is regularly maintained. As you read above, you need to make sure your HVAC system is properly cleaned on a regular basis. However, you will also want to make sure AC repair experts come into your home and provide the proper maintenance on your HVAC system. These experts can make sure there are no issues with your system and make any repairs that may be necessary at the time of the maintenance appointment.

Your HVAC system does a lot for your household. It is important that you take great care of it. By following through with these tips, you can properly clean and maintain your home’s HVAC system. You can also make sure that it is running as efficiently as possible throughout the year, as well.

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What Makes an AC Repair Company the Right Choice for You?

Friday, April 10th, 2020

If you live in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City and you are looking for the best AC repair company for your household, there are many things that might want to look for. Picking out an AC repair company is more than just affordability. While that is one factor that you may want to consider, there are some others that are important, as well.

Great Values

One of the things that you will want to look into when you are trying to find the right AC repair company for your household is one that has great values. Does the company care about their customers? Do they try to offer affordable prices while providing excellent customer service? Does the company answer any questions that their customers have? Do the AC repair experts strive to always do the best work they can. If you are looking for an AC repair company that has great values, Peaden is the right company for you.

Arrive on Time

Have you called an AC repair company in the past and they didn’t show up when they said they would be at your home? Maybe this caused you to be late to work. When you are looking for a great AC repair company, you need to know that the repair expert will be at your home on time. With Peaden, you get professionals who are always on time.

Trained and Certified

Another thing that you should consider when picking out the best AC repair company is whether the professionals who work there are trained and certified. When you work with AC repair professionals from Peaden, you are assured that they are trained and certified technicians by N.A.T.E. This means you won’t have to worry about their professionalism or expertise. They are qualified to work on every issue that may be going on with your air conditioning unit.

Staying Safe

You also want to make sure that the professionals who work in your home are going to be safe on the job. At Peaden, all of the technicians are licensed and always comply with all building codes. They have gone through safety training and had a thorough screening before being hired.

Providing Maintenance Services

In addition to repair services, you will want an AC repair company that will also provide maintenance services. You don’t only want professionals who are going to be there if something goes wrong. You want AC repair experts who will help to prevent your air conditioning unit from having issues in the first place.

These are some of the things that you should consider when you are looking for the right AC repair company for your household. If you contact Peaden, you can get all of this and much more.

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Why is AC Maintenance Important?

Friday, February 14th, 2020


If you are living in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City, it is important to properly maintain your air conditioning unit. Without proper AC maintenance, you are likely going to experience higher AC bills and problems with your AC unit that require repairs. If you haven’t recently provided maintenance on your AC unit, be sure to contact Peaden AC repair experts today.

Saving Money

One of the best things about AC maintenance is that it helps you to save money. Many people think they don’t have the money for regular air conditioning maintenance. However, the more that you skip out on regular maintenance, the more money you are going to be spending on your AC unit bill. In fact, your AC unit will become 5% less efficient in every year that you don’t maintain it. Efficient systems are the way to save money. If you need maintenance done on your AC unit, call Peaden AC repair experts today.

Preventing AC Breakdowns

Do you want to make sure your air conditioning unit is working well whenever you need it? If so, it is important that you get regular maintenance done on your AC unit. In addition, if there are any repairs that need to be made, get those done right away, as well. This will prevent you from having an AC breakdown. If your air conditioning unit breaks down, you will be stuck in the heat of your home. This can become quite uncomfortable. You can always contact Peaden AC repair experts to maintain your AC unit.

Reduction in Repairs

Another great benefit of having regular maintenance done on your air conditioning unit is that you will have a reduction in repairs. The more you stick to regular maintenance appointments, the less repairs you will need to have done. Peaden AC repair experts can help you to properly maintain your air conditioning unit. If you already have repairs that need to be made, be sure to contact Peaden today to get these repairs done.

These are some of the many reasons why AC maintenance is so important. Are you living in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City? Do you want to save money? Do you want to make sure your AC is always working? Would you like to avoid repairs on your air conditioning unit? If you would like to do all these things, be sure to properly maintain your unit all year long.

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High AC Bill: What is the Cause?

Friday, January 31st, 2020


Do you live in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City? If so, do you find that your AC bill is far too high? Maybe it has just recently started increasing. Finding out the cause of your high AC bill is important if you want to save yourself money. You can contact Peaden AC repair experts to help you out today.

Skipping Maintenance

One of the many things that can cause your AC bill to skyrocket is skipping the maintenance. If you haven’t gotten maintenance done on your air conditioning unit, it is time to get that done. You don’t have to wait until the summer to get the maintenance done on your unit. In fact, you should be getting it done in the winter or spring time. If you need to get maintenance services on your air conditioning unit, be sure to contact Peaden AC repair experts today.

Not Tending to Needed Repairs

Have you had a repair that needs to be done on your air conditioning unit for a while now? If so, what has been done about it? If you ignore the repairs that need to be made on your air conditioning unit, it is likely your AC unit isn’t going to be running as well as it should. Even the minor repairs shouldn’t be put off. Whether you are hearing an odd noise, your unit is short cycling, or something smelly is coming from your unit, you should have AC repair experts take a look at it right away. The sooner you get the problem fixed, the sooner you can start saving money on your AC bill.

Dirty Air Filter

If you don’t clean or change out the filter on your air conditioner regularly, you are going to experience more problems with the unit. This includes having a higher AC bill. A clean air filter helps to prevent debris from getting into your home’s AC system. If you neglect the cleaning or changing of the filter, more debris is going to build up throughout your air conditioning unit. This could cause an immediate spike in your AC bill.

Old AC Unit

If you have an older AC unit this could be causing your bill to skyrocket, as well. Systems that are over 10 years old are often less efficient than newer AC units. If you have seen a jump in the AC bill recently and you have an old AC unit, it might be a good idea to look into getting a new air conditioning unit.

These are some of the reasons why your AC bill may have skyrocketed recently. If you aren’t sure what the problem is with your air conditioning unit, contact Peaden AC repair experts today.

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Options for Air Conditioning Installations

Wednesday, January 15th, 2020


Do you live in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City? If so, and you are having issues with a broken down air conditioning unit, the first thing you are going to want to do is contact AC repair experts. You can call Peaden to have your AC unit looked at. If your air conditioning unit is broken for good, it is time to choose a new AC unit. There are different options for AC unit installations that you can check into.

Central Air Conditioner

Most people will tend to go with a central air conditioning unit. This type of system will work with an indoor unit, outdoor unit, and a type of system that connects lines between both units. The air for your home or business will run through one network filled with centralized ducts. If this is the type of air conditioning unit that seems right for you, don’t hesitate to give Peaden AC repair experts a call today.

Heat Pump

There is another climate control system called a heat pump. This lets you cool and heat your home or business with one central unit. If you are looking into getting a new AC unit, but you want something that is cost-effective and eco-friendly, this might be the option you should check into. Heat pumps are a great idea for many homes and businesses. If this is something you are looking into, call Peaden to talk more about heat pumps and making the switch today.

Ductless Mini Split

Do you want to personalize your home or business’ comfort? Maybe your home has spots that are naturally more cool. You might not need an AC unit to cool these areas of your home. If this is the case, you might benefit more from a ductless mini split system. This type of system will help you to only cool the areas of your home that need cooling. If you want to inquire more about this type of unit, reach out to the professionals at Peaden today.

Solar AC Unit

If you want an eco-friendly, cost-effective option for your AC unit, you can get a solar AC unit. There are many people in the Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, and Panama City area that are going with this option. Since sunlight is around throughout the entire year, this is an option that will quickly pay for itself.

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When it comes to AC repair, sometimes you need to get an entirely new air conditioning unit. If this is something that you need, you should reach out to the AC repair experts at Peaden right away. You can talk to the professionals at Peaden to figure out which AC unit would be best for your home or business. Make the call today.

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Should You Go Solar with Your Air Conditioning Unit?

Sunday, January 5th, 2020


Do you live in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City? Have you been having extensive problems with your air conditioning unit. Maybe time and time again, you have gotten AC repair services done to fix the damages. If you can relate to this, it might be time for you to go solar with your air conditioning unit. This is becoming a very popular option. If this is something you are looking into, don’t hesitate to reach out to Peaden AC repair experts to talk more about going this route today.

Save Money On AC Services

One of the best benefits of going solar for your air conditioning unit is that you get to save money. Just about everyone is on some sort of a budget. Saving money in any way can help everyone. When you switch to solar options for your AC unit, you will reduce your energy bills. From the minute you have a solar AC unit installed, you will start saving money. In little time, your system is going to pay for itself. If this is something you want to check into, don’t wait any longer to talk to Peaden AC repair experts. Talk to them about whether this option would work for your home.

Outage – No Problem

Are you tired of your air conditioning unit going out when you have a power outage? If you live in the Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City areas, this is something you might be used to. However, it can still be very annoying. When you have solar air conditioning, you won’t have to worry about losing power. Even if you lose power, your AC unit can stay up and running, keeping your home or business feeling cool.

Going Green

If you want to start helping the planet, going with the solar options for your air conditioning unit is one of the ways you can do that. Being environmentally conscious is a great thing these days. Your impact here on this Earth will make a difference if you go solar. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint on Earth, going solar is positively the right answer. Solar energy is very clean and a perfect way to cool your home. Don’t wait any longer to go green. You will be happy that you did.

Are you tired of making AC repairs all the time? Going solar can make your AC unit run a bit smoother. If you have questions about going solar with your air conditioning unit, be sure to talk to AC repair experts today. You can get the lowdown on whether solar AC unit options are best for you, your home, or your business.

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Signs You Might Need AC Repair Before Winter

Wednesday, November 20th, 2019


If you live in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City and you have an AC unit, there are some signs that you might need AC repair before winter. If you do notice the signs mentioned below, you should get a hold of Peaden AC repair experts right away.

Troubles Getting Your Home Colder

Many people will skim right over this section. They don’t think this is the problem they are experiencing and it might not be. However, you should read through it just to be sure. You might have an issue with your air conditioning unit and that issue might be it isn’t getting the home cool, fast enough. This may come out as you turning your thermostat down often, trying to make your home cooler. You might be taking layers off to handle the hotness in your home. If you are having this issue, be sure to call Peaden AC repair experts today.

Spending Too Much Money

Unfortunately, there are many people in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, and Panama City that are spending far too much on their energy bills. While it is normal for the energy bill to go up a bit during the summer, it shouldn’t be going up so much that you can’t keep up with paying it. If you find that your energy bills are skyrocketing, this could be a problem with your AC unit. You should contact the ac repair professionals at Peaden today.

Hearing Odd Sounds

Do you hear odd sounds coming from your AC unit? This might happen when your air conditioning unit turns on. It may happen when the AC unit is shutting down or while it is running, as well. It is quite normal to hear a whirring sound that is soft. However, anything different than this can signify there is a problem with your AC unit. If this is the case, you need to make sure to call the AC repair professionals at Peaden right away.

Professional AC repair services are always the best option. You never know when there could be a bigger issue with your air conditioning unit. Remember, the sooner you contact the AC repair experts at Peaden, the sooner you can get the problem fixed. If your energy bills have skyrocketed, you don’t want to end up getting a shut-off notice because you can’t pay the bill. That will make things much worse. In addition, if you are hearing odd sounds, you don’t just want to let that go. If you do, there could be potentially larger problems at stake.

Contact Peaden to handle all your air conditioning repair issues today. You will be glad you left these repairs up to the professionals.

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