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Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog

5 Tips To Help You Avoid Costly AC Repairs This Summer

Peaden HVAC technician repairing an air conditioner

When you have an air conditioning unit you rely on to keep your family or employees comfortable and productive, you want to stay on top of repairs. While AC repairs are a necessary part of owning a unit, many repairs can be prevented.

Here are a few tips to ensure you have a comfortable summer with as few AC repairs as possible (if any at all).

#1: Schedule Service Before the Hottest Months

You don’t have to wait until you have an issue to call and have your air conditioner serviced. Call before the hottest months and have your AC unit cleaned and inspected by a professional so you stay on top of any issues the heat can bring about.

If you notice you need an AC repair, don’t hesitate to call because it’s summer and you think the company will be too busy. Call when you need to, but if you can be proactive, you may save yourself some time and discomfort.

#2: Get a Programmable Thermostat

programmable smart home thermostatIf you want to avoid needing AC repairs, invest in a programmable thermostat so you have control over your temperatures when you’re away from home.

The more you learn about the best practices for programmable thermostats and temperature settings, the more money you’ll save on your energy bill and the longer your unit will last.

#3: Start Paying Closer Attention to Filters

When the weather is perfect and you don’t have to use your AC as much, you often won’t have to change your filters as frequently. However, be sure you don’t use this as the standard for how often to clean filters.

In the hottest months of the year, you’ll need to change your filters more often because the unit works harder to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

#4: Insulate Your Home Better

You can give your air conditioner a major break when you have a well-insulated home, from the windows to the attic. Take the time to ask the AC repair company what you can do to make sure your home is properly keeping the cool air in.

You’ll be surprised how many things you can do that are affordable, plus a few updates you can make to add value to your home and prevent AC repairs.

#5: Don’t Forget the Outside Unit

HVAC technician performing routine maintenanceWhile people tend to focus on the thermostat and filters, make sure you spend a little time outside cleaning up any debris that has fallen and removing any vines that may have grown into the fan.

When you keep this area of your cooling system clean and stay aware of how it should sound and act when it’s working properly, you’ll find you’re much quicker to spot signs of trouble.

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