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Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog

Most Common AC Repairs and Solutions


If you are like most others in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, and Panama City, you want answers when you notice something wrong with your AC unit. You want to get it fixed right away and you may even think about messing with it yourself. Maybe you are dealing with blown AC fuses, low or leaking refrigerant, or a frozen evaporator coil. These are some of the most common AC repairs that need to be made. The good news is that Peaden is a professional AC repair company and can solve all these problems for you.

Blown AC Fuses

One of the most common AC repairs that needs to be made is blown fuses. These happen more often than you might think. There could be many reasons for this. However, the most common reason for a blown AC fuse is that the filter had gotten clogged or dirty. It might be possible to replace the AC fuse, although that isn’t always the solution. It is best to have a professional AC repair company look at it to see what the best course of action would be. Sometimes there is a bigger problem with the air conditioning unit.

Low or Leaking AC Refrigerant

The refrigerant in your AC unit may be low. If that is the case, it probably is leaking somewhere. Calling in a professional AC repairman to come take a look is a good idea. When the AC unit was installed, there could have been something done improperly. Leaking AC refrigerant could harm you and others who are in your home. It is best to call the AC repair company immediately. That way the issue can be handled right correctly, carefully, and quickly.

Frozen Evaporator Coil

If there isn’t cold air when you turn on your air conditioning unit, this could be a sign that you have a frozen evaporator coil. Just as with the blown AC fuses, there could be a variety of reasons for this. The most common reasons for the frozen evaporator coils are air filters which have gotten clogged or dirty. Another reason why this might happen is because you have more air vents closed than there should be. You might have reduced airflow as well. If you want this problem repaired, it is best to contact Peaden right away. They can find the source of the problem and fix it quickly.

Having an air conditioning unit in your home can be a great thing. You can keep cool on the hottest days of the year. However, if you are having any issues with the AC unit, that can be extremely frustrating. The best course of action would be to contact the AC repair company right away. Peaden has expert technicians who can repair any AC issue you have.

If you are in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City and dealing with any of these AC issues or others, we can help you. Contact us to schedule your AC repair visit today.

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