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Cleaning your AC Unit: What a Quality AC Repair Company Does


Whether you own multiple commercial air conditioning units or you have a single HVAC unit for your home, you’ll need to have your system cleaned over time. While you can do your part and keep up with some of the cleaning on your own, make sure that you call in the pros to do a yearly service so that you know every nook and cranny got attention. Here are the areas that a quality AC repair company will clean so that your unit has longevity and stays durable throughout its lifespan.


Coils are an important part your heating and cooling system, and when you don’t have them cleaned, then you’ll find yourself calling for more AC repairs than you bargained for. Don’t skip those routine maintenance calls each year if you want to keep your coils clean and your unit functioning like new.


When you want your air conditioner working in an efficient manner and saving you money on your energy bill, make sure AC registers are professionally cleaned. When you have clogged and dirty registers, then ventilation and air flow won’t be as good and your unit will have to work much harder than it should.


Most homeowners know how important it is to change filters at least once a month. However, a quality AC repair company will offer guidance and will clean these when necessary. Commercial air conditioning systems will demand a little more attention because many have filters that are removed, cleaned, and then replaced versus the disposable options.

Air Handler

For your AC unit to properly distribute air, the air handler must be cleaned, and you want to make sure you have someone experienced handling the project. This will also help prevent AC repairs in the future and will make your home more comfortable.


Your ducts will need to be cleaned because of the dirt and dust that can collect and cause clogs that will affect the way the air flows. If you have pets or a large number of foot traffic in your commercial property or home, then you may find that you need to have this job completed more often.

Blower Fans

The blower fans will need to be cleaned to help keep your AC unit working in prime condition, and a professional will show up with the best equipment and techniques to get the job done quickly and thoroughly. You’ll want to ensure that each aspect of your heating and air unit is cleaned with care and handled with integrity.

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Everywhere in Between

The best AC repair companies will know to clean everything above that can collect the dirt, dust, and dander that can affect the working parts. However, as they complete the cleaning of your unit, they’ll be paying attention to the entire system and responding to areas that demand attention. If you have hard-to-reach places that need to be cleaned, be sure you call in the pros to tackle the job so that you know it was done correctly.

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