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Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog

How Preventing Heating Repair Will Lower Energy Bill Costs


Saving money is on everyones’ mind these days, and it can be hard to find new ways to lower bills. However, when you want to prevent a heating repair, you’ll find that you’ll also be lowering your energy costs. By making a few simple changes to your routine, you can save hundreds of dollars, if not more, over the course of a year on your energy and heating repair bills. Here are a few tips to help you get moving in the right direction.

Change Filters Routinely

It can be easy to get off track as the cold weather moves in, but make sure you are cleaning and changing your filters just as much as you did in the summer to ensure that you save money and don’t cause unnecessary repairs. Not changing filters and keeping with simple maintenance like this is one of the primary reasons that a heater will quit working in prime condition, so keep it at the top of the list!

Seal All Air Leaks

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on new windows and doors to close up air leaks. You can invest in much more affordable options to help prevent heating repair such as installing new weather strips and finding sealants that will get the job done thoroughly. Also be sure that you’re walking the outside of your home to close up any holes and cracks in the foundation and siding. Make sure that your attic is properly insulated as well so that you aren’t losing any air there.

Get a New Thermostat

A new thermostat will give you more control of the temperature whether you are standing in the room, or you forgot to make adjustments before your vacation. You will be able to change setting from remote settings using your smartphone and you can get many more features depending on your goals. Having this kind of control will allow you to give your heating system a break when you aren’t home.

Have Fans Rotate Clockwise

Turn your ceiling fans on a clockwise rotation so that the warm air pushes down and your heater gets a break. This will keep it from working so hard and save you on future heating repairs. Plus, you’ll save money on your bill. Don’t forget that once you seal up your windows, you should open them and use the natural sunlight to warm your space. It’s free and your heater will appreciate the help!

Close Rooms You Don’t Use

If you have large storage areas or rooms that aren’t in use, close the vents and the doors so that you aren’t forcing your unit to heat the entire home. You’ll discover that you can save a pretty significant amount of money by doing this, and your heater will be able to get the space that you are using heated without having to work harder than it needs to. Take time to practice these tips and you’ll find your heater lasts longer and stays stronger over the years, while also saving you money!

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