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Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog

Is a Whole-Home Generator Worth It?

Whole-home standby generatorWhile we hope to avoid power outages at all costs, powerful storms are all too familiar to the Florida Panhandle.

Now more than ever, our routines are dependent on electricity, so when the power goes out, the safest and most reliable solution is a whole-home generator. They automatically switch on when your electricity is off so life can continue as normal with no disruption.

Standby Generators vs. Portable Generators

Standby generators are backup power units sized to power an entire house. Also called whole-home generators, they are largely worry-free, run for days or weeks without refueling, and tend to be quiet.

Whole-home generators differ from portable generators in that they run on propane or natural gas, allowing them to run much longer, cleaner, and safer. Portable generators run on gasoline and have a lower output than whole-home generators. They require a manual hookup instead of automatically kicking on.

Standby Generator infographic

While both types of generators can power essentials, a professionally installed standby generator is worth every penny for 100% peace of mind during a power outage. 

Benefits of Investing in a Whole-Home Generator

When you have a whole-home generator, you don’t have to worry about sitting in the dark, refrigerated perishables spoiling, going without TV or internet, or having no way to charge a cellphone. No matter the state of your neighborhood’s power supply, having reliable electricity for your entire home allows you to:

  • Prevent sump pump outages: Standby backup power means no disruption to your sump pump, which is particularly important during hurricane conditions with torrential downpours.
  • Protect your food: Extended power outages mean you have to throw away most if not all perishables in your refrigerator. All major appliances stay operational with a whole-home generator, including your refrigerator and freezer.
  • Safeguard other properties: Having standby backup power at a rental property or second home means you don’t have to rush over to it during a storm or worry about whether it’s safe and secure. 
  • Increase home value: As power grids continue aging and more unprecedented weather patterns occur (think the arctic blast in 2021), homebuyers will want to see houses with built-in fail-safes for emergencies and power outages.
  • Power daily essentials: If you work from home, you can stay connected. If you or a loved one uses electric-powered medical equipment, they remain operational. So many daily life essentials run on power, and they all continue running during a power outage when you have a whole-home generator.

Gain Peace of Mind With a Standby Generator

The true convenience and peace of mind of standby power make whole-home generators worth every penny. At Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical, we install and repair standby generators to help keep Florida Panhandle homes safe during short and extended power outages.

An experienced professional should install your whole-home generator as the job requires electrical wiring and natural gas hookups.

When you call Peaden for a whole-home generator, we’ll provide:

  • Upfront pricing
  • Professional and friendly service
  • Quality workmanship

Contact Peaden online or call (855) 557-7878 to request generator installation today!

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