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Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog

Four Ways To Prevent Toilet Repair


Toilet repairs are necessary from time to time for both commercial and residential property owners, and it can wreak havoc on your day when you have to wait to get the situation resolved. Depending on how severe it is, it can cause you to close your workspace or rely on public restrooms until the situation is resolved. However, there are a few ways to prevent emergency toilet repairs, as well as the minor ones by staying proactive. Here we list just a few of the things you can do to prevent toilet repair.

#1: Only DIY When You Know What You’re Doing

Almost all homeowners, at one time or another, have tried to repair their own toilet and correct a plumbing issue. And this is okay because there are certain elements that most people can DIY when it comes to toilet repair. However, it’s important that you only repair a toilet when you know what you’re doing and that you understand the elements you’re working with. You don’t want to make the problem worse (and more expensive) by attempting to fix an issue that was a little over your head.

#2: Call in the Pros When You Notice a Leak

If you notice a continual leak, then don’t just put a towel under it and let it sit, or turn off the water unless you’re using the toilet. Call in the pros because a leak can be an affordable repair when it’s dealt with promptly. Plus, you’ll prevent an emergency from occurring when you ignore problems like this. In some cases, you may hear the leak and not see it because it is behind a wall or under your home. Look to your energy bill to see if you notice a rise in cost because an unnoticed leak can be the culprit.

#3: Pay Attention to Your Toilet

When you know how your toilet performs in prime condition, you’ll notice the signs that it’s starting to age and needs attention sooner than if you ignore this part of your home. Toilets age just like other aspects of your home and will need updates from time to time. If you see that elements are rusting, then often you can repair them yourself. However, when you start to notice that water flow is poor, or that your toilet doesn’t fill or flush all the way, you need to get an expert involved.

#4: Choose the Best Toilet Repair Company

There are some people that claim to be a handyman that can fix everything from your roof to your plumbing to your flooring, and then some. However, you want to be sure you go with a licensed, insured and certified technician from a reputable company when it comes to plumbing and toilet repair. Preventing future toilet repairs means having quality repairs in the past, and the plumber you choose will have an impact on how well your bathroom performs.

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