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Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog

Warning Signs That Signify a Dangerous Electrical Issue


Do you live in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City? If so, it is essential that you know how to handle electrical issues in your home. The number one thing to keep in mind is that it is almost always best to hire a professional to do the electrical work in your home. This way you can assure the safety of everyone and make sure that the job is getting done correctly, as well.

Issues with Your Circuit Breaker

Are you having issues with your circuit breaker? Maybe it keeps tripping. This could be happening for various reasons. The circuit breaker could just be old. Maybe there is overheating happening somewhere, as well. Your circuit breaker might just be overloaded. If the circuit breaker in your home keeps tripping, it is probably time to get electrical work by an electrician. They can take a look at your circuit breaker to see what is going and make the repairs that are needed.

Electrical Shocks

Have you been feeling the tingles or actually getting shocked when you touch one of your appliances? Electrical wiring that was improperly done or a ground fault could be causing this to happen. This is not anything that you want to mess around with. If this even happens once, you should call a professional electrician out to your home to have them assess what is going on.

Overheating Ceiling Fixture

Is one of the ceiling fixtures in your home overheating? Maybe you have recently noticed that it is much warmer to the touch than it was previously. If there is a lot of heat building up in your ceiling fixture, this could lead to a fire. Don’t let things get that far. Call a Peaden electrician today to have them come take a look at your ceiling fixture.

Lights Flickering

You might also notice that a certain light is flickering in your home. Maybe there is more than just one light doing this. Sometimes this just means that your light bulb is loose or not working properly. Switching the bulb could fix this issue. However, there could be other sources to this issue, generally from the light fixture itself. If you replace the bulb and that doesn’t work, call a professional electrician today.

Light Switch or Outlet That Doesn’t Work

Do you have a light switch or an outlet in your home that doesn’t work at all or doesn’t work some of the time? If so, you probably have a wiring issue somewhere. Loose plugs could also be an issue, as well. If you have this issue, don’t hesitate to call Peaden electricians today.

These are some of the most common warning signs that could signify an electrical issue. If you are experiencing any of these, make an appointment with an electrician right away.

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