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Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog

Top 5 Signs You Need Sewer Repair

Sewer line issues are particularly difficult to identify because the pipe is buried in your yard. Without an inspection from a professional plumber, you can’t easily see if and where your sewer line is leaking, clogged, or infiltrated by tree roots.

Even if you can’t see the damage yourself, you can often notice the side effects of sewer line damage if you know what to look for.

The plumbing team at Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical has compiled a list of common signs you need sewer line repair so you’ll know when to call us for service.

1. Persistent Drain Clogs and Slow Drainage

There might be a deeper reason why pesky drains keep clogging, especially if you’re experiencing issues across multiple drains.

Consult a plumber instead of buying bottle after bottle of drain cleaner to no avail. Professional sewer jetting is the ultimate solution for clearing a sewer line clog.

2. Increased Pests in Your Yard

If rodents and insects are suddenly hanging around your yard, you may have a sewer line leak.

Pests are attracted to the smell and dampness of a broken sewer line and may find their way into your home through cracks in the pipe.

3. Gurgling Toilets

Your toilets shouldn’t be making excessive noises when they’re not in use.

Bubbling or gurgling toilets often appear before sewage backup, so you may be able to save your home from significant sewer waste damage if you act quickly.

4. Noticeable Sewage Smells

Whether it’s an unmistakable sewage smell or a musty or mildewy odor, it won’t disappear anytime soon if you ignore it.

A professional plumber can identify the source of the odor and repair the cracked pipe or leaking joints.

5. Lush Patches on Your Lawn

Sewage can act as fertilizer for your grass if it’s seeping through the pipe and into the surrounding soil.

These patches are one of the clearest signs that you have a sewer line issue and can help your plumber identify the exact location of the break.

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Contact Peaden for Sewer Line Repair & Replacement in the Florida Panhandle

If any of the signs above seem too familiar, call Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical today! We have over 50 years of experience serving Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, and Panama City, so we’ve seen and resolved every sewer line issue for every type of sewer pipe.

When you call us for sewer line service, we’ll conduct a comprehensive sewer line inspection to get to the root of the issue quickly and effectively. Based on the severity of the break and the age of your sewer line, we’ll work with you to determine if you need sewer line repair or replacement.

Contact us online or call [site_info_phone_number] to schedule sewer service today!

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