How to Know Your AC Repair Company Puts You First

May 31st, 2017


Your system for air conditioning is an investment financially as well as for the quality of life. Not only does it keep you cool and comfortable inside, but it protects your possessions from humidity from paintings on your walls to the wood that makes up the structure of your home. When you want to make sure that you get the most out of your cooling system, you will need to find an AC repair company that puts you first. Here we look at a few qualities that you should expect from a local company that puts your needs first and will keep your air conditioner running in optimal condition.

They Are Straightforward About Pricing

Whether you are making an appointment with an AC repair company or you are investing in a home improvement repair, you want to bring in people that are straightforward about pricing and clear when you have questions. No one likes to get surprised on their bill and the best companies know that you have a budget when it comes to AC repairs. Before you bring in the expert to perform an AC repair, make sure that you have a clear understanding of how they charge and what will be on your final bill so you can account for it.

They Do a Complete Diagnostic

The best AC repair company will never gloss over the problem with a quick fix, but will do a complete diagnostic check so that you get to the root of the problem. This way, when the pros come out to check on the issues you are having, they can proactively make sure that there are no other problems.

They Respond Quickly

When you need an AC repair, then you want it to be sure that you get the problem resolved quickly. The HVAC companies will be quick to respond because they know that you don’t want to waste any time getting your home back to the cool temperatures that make it comfortable. If you have an emergency service, then you will find quality professionals provide this when it comes to AC repair so that your space is at a safe temperature.

They Are Local and Reputable

You should never go with people that claim they can complete your AC repair, but are not familiar with the area. There are a lot of handymen out there that you meet in the hardware store, only to discover they don’t live in the area and they don’t provide any guarantees. Go with a crew that is certified, licensed, insured, and experienced, and a company that you can easily reach when an issue arises.

They Have a Knowledgeable Customer Service

It can be frustrating to call an AC repair business only to find the person on the other side of the phone isn’t sure what is going on. You want a knowledgeable customer service that listens to your needs and the promptly responds to them with appointments, estimates, and can answer your pressing questions.

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Know these 7 Signs of AC Repair

May 22nd, 2017


Whether you are trying to prevent AC repair, or you want to know what the signs are that you may require the professionals, you will have to pay attention to your unit. One of the first steps is to find an AC repair company that is reputable and local to ensure that you get an affordable price and the problem is dealt with in a thorough manner. Here we provide a quick checklist of signs that you need AC repair, and a few ways to prevent them from happening prematurely.

#1: Noises

Your air conditioning unit should make normal noises that mean it is working effectively, and you should pay attention to these from time to time so you know what they sound like. However, when you start to hear strange clicking, banging, popping, and other sounds, then you should make a note of it and then schedule an appointment to have a professional diagnose the problem.

#2: Filters

When you check and change your filters, if you discover they are clogged each time, then you not only need to start changing them more frequently, but you should have your unit checked out. Filters will cause a unit to prematurely need AC repairs and can lower the quality of the air in your home.

#3: Water Buildup

If you start to notice that you have excessive water buildup around the outside of your unit, or that you have unusual condensation around your vents, then call the professionals. You don’t want to try to handle water buildup on your own because electricity will be involved and it will be dangerous. A professional AC repair company will be able to let you know what is normal and what isn’t when it comes to water.

#4: Air Flow

The air flow of your air conditioner can tell you a lot about what condition your unit is in. Take the time to check the air flow when you are turning your unit on, and watch out that it is not running continually.

#5: Energy Bill

Your energy bill can tell you a lot about your air conditioning and it will alert you when you have a problem and need an AC repair. If you start to notice that it is gradually rising, then have an expert come out and inspect the unit to make sure it is not being overworked and costing you money.

#6: Thermostat

Your thermostat is important when it comes to preventing and detecting AC repairs, and you can stay on top of cooling system care when you apply the right settings. Make sure that you are reaching comfortable temperatures and that your thermostat is accurately reading your settings.

#7: Yearly Service Calls

The best way to take care of AC repairs and to keep them from happening is to schedule your yearly maintenance call. The professionals will clean, diagnose, and make sure that everything is running smoothly. Trust that your air conditioner can run in prime condition for years to come when you provide it with a little TLC and attention.

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Is Your AC Unit Ready For the Summer Heat?

May 13th, 2017

For the most part, people will look forward summer from taking a nice vacation to going to the pool to putting away those winter coats. However, there are also those days so hot you feel like you are sticking to every chair you sit in. When summer is at its peak, then you want to be sure you are ready for it, and that includes having your AC unit ready. Here are a few ways that you can check to see if you need an AC repair, and how you can make sure your cooling system is ready for the summer months.

Have You Had an Inspection by a Professional Lately?

You should have your AC unit inspected by a professional once a year to make sure that it is running in prime condition and everything is clean. They will be able to resolve any issues and make AC repairs where necessary. While this may seem like an easy task to skip, it is one that can make the difference between how long your unit runs down the road.

Have You Noticed Good Air Flow?

As you start to turn your air conditioner on this summer, make sure you pay attention to the air flow so that everything seems normal. Pay attention to the smells that come out and if you see any dander being spread when blowing out of the vents. If you notice anything unusual, then call in the experts.

Is Your Home at a Comfortable Temperature?

While you should be realistic about the temperature that your cooling system can product, you should always be able to reach a comfortable temperature in your home. If it is over a hundred degrees outside, then reaching temperatures in the low seventies will be difficult for your unit and will make it work harder than it should. However, you should be able to get fifteen to twenty degrees below the temperatures outside with good installation and a AC unit that is working as it should.

Have You Talked to Your Family About Thermostat Rules?

One way to wear down your unit and need more frequent AC repairs is to have numerous people controlling the thermostat. Whether you and your spouse continually set the temperature differently throughout the day remotely or inside, or you have kids or roommates that go behind you to adjust the thermostat, you will need to have a chat with everyone about the temperatures to set and the basic rules so your unit doesn’t work extra hard.

Have You Invested in a New Thermostat?

If you want to save money on your energy bill and have fewer AC repairs, then check the age of your thermostat. A new thermostat will give you more control over the temperatures and allow you to set reminders for filter changes and other tasks. Plus, they are an affordable way to enhance your air conditioning unit. Ask a professional about your options and get them involved when you want to have a unit that lasts.

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Why You May Need AC Repairs with a New Unit

April 30th, 2017


When you have invested in a new air conditioner, then you may finally have peace of mind that you won’t be worrying about expensive AC repairs for quite some time. But then one day, you wake up to discover that you don’t have the air flow you should, your cooling system isn’t turning on at all, or your energy bill is oddly high. When this happens, you have to call in the pros for AC repair, and here are a few reasons why you may need to involve the experts not long after a new unit is installed.

You May Have Had the Wrong Size Unit Installed

One of the most important tips when having a new air conditioning unit installed is to make sure you go with a reputable company. Amateurs may slip up on measurements or won’t have an understanding of the sizes of units designed for specific square footages. When a wrong-sized unit is installed, then your cooling system will struggle to meet the comfort level needs of your space whether you have commercial or residential property. This will leave you with a unit that needs AC repairs more frequently and a higher energy bill.

You May Have Had Amateurs Remove the Old System

Some people will offer to remove your old unit because they want the scrap metal while others think it will save them a little money to DIY this job, but you should be very cautious. You don’t want to take out certain components like ductwork, and you want to be sure you are handling the air conditioner in a safe way. If you want to ensure a smooth install that won’t cost you extra money, then make sure professionals remove the old system.

The Ductwork May Not Be the Right Size

If you have an AC repair company that installs a unit without checking the size of the ductwork, then you may have problems early on with air flow. The most reputable companies will check everything from the ductwork to the thermostat so that each aspect is covered and you’re left with a comfortable home.

The Filters May Not Be Cleaned and Changed Enough

When you get a new unit, you might need to adjust the frequency that you change filters. Just because your unit is brand new and more efficient doesn’t mean that it collects less dust and dander. Keep up with this to ensure you don’t see problems early in the lifespan of your unit and to prevent future AC repair.

You May Think Your Unit Is Younger Than It Is

Sometimes you need to go back to the paperwork of when the unit is installed because you may not realize that your air conditioner is actually older than it is. Because a quality installation and premium HVAC system will have a long lifespan that can last anywhere from ten years plus, it can be easy to think your five-year-old system is a little over two years.

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Who Can You Rely on For AC Repair?

April 22nd, 2017


When it comes to AC repair, we tend to ask people from all walks of life what they think the problem is from co-workers to family members. However, you have to be careful where you gather your information because you don’t want to end up causing more damage due to bad data. Here we review a few trusted sources that you can go to for quality advice and service when your air conditioner isn’t working quite right and you think you need a repair.

The Experts

There are some outstanding AC experts in the industry and you want to be sure that this is where you begin your quest for knowledge about AC repairs. You can find experts online that will help you identify common issues and let you know what will be a simple repair you can fix on your own and which ones will require that you call in the professionals. However, you should be mindful when you are looking at sources online and make sure that they are certified and trustworthy. The best bet is to find a company that has a brick and mortar office in your area.


You can rely on your skills for minor AC repairs if you are confident in doing the job yourself. Over the years, many homeowners do learn a thing or two about how to spot issues and can then resolve them on their own. As long you know your limitations and educate yourself on the best safety rules and accurate practices, you can accomplish quite a bit. But when even the slightest amount of doubt crosses your mind, call in the experts because you can’t leave this up to guesswork or you’ll have a much bigger problem on your hands.

Your Landlord or Property Manager

If you live in an apartment or lease office space and you notice that you need an AC repair, don’t try to fix it yourself. Speak with your landlord or property manager to find out if they need to call in the experts or if you do, and get information about payment and other factors that concern you. Getting the issue resolved quickly is important, but you also want to ensure it is done correctly and that all parties involved understand how to move forward.

A Local AC Repair Company

Going local when it comes to AC repair is important because you won’t have to worry about finding them when something goes wrong. When someone sweeps into town during the peak season (such as right as the weather gets warm) and everyone starts turning on the units, you’ll find that they may do a quick job that lasts for a little bit, but can’t be found when you need the same AC repair again. Going with a local company that has a good reputation will be a wise choice and one that you can call on for years down the road.

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5 Tips to Prepare for the Arrival of an AC Repair Technician

April 16th, 2017


When you call in an AC repair technician, you may be anxiously waiting for them to arrive to get your unit working in prime condition again. To help ensure the process goes smoothly, there are a few things that you can do before the arrival of the technician. While you may already do most of these, here is a quick checklist to help you prepare before your next AC repair so you don’t miss anything.

#1: Know the Age and Manufacturer of Your Unit

To help the AC repair technician learn more about your unit, you’ll want to have some basic information handy such as the age of the system, the brand, and the manufacturer. While the technicians will come prepared with tools and parts, the model can alert them to the inner workings, common issues and the specific parts that should be brought.

#2: Have Information Ready to Help Identify the Problem

Have information ready such as when the problem started occurring and any warning signs such as poor air flow or strange noises. You should also let the AC repair technician know how often you change filters and how often you have service calls. Even information that feels minor to you like your past energy bill can help move the process along faster and give the technician a better idea of what they are up against.

#3: Clear a Path Around the Unit

Make sure that the AC repair technician can easily get to the outside of the unit without too many obstacles. You can clear a path around the unit by removing any ladders, vines, and debris that is in the way. Safety is going to be the primary concern of the technician, and you want to make sure that they can reach and see all of the components easily.

#4: Learn About Finance Options

While you are preparing for the AC repair company to show up, you can learn about finance options and what getting a new unit would entail if that is recommended. The more you know about what your next steps are if a repair isn’t going to get the job done, the better prepared you’ll be if you need a new installation.

#5: Write down Questions and Take Notes

There are plenty of questions that will pop in your mind when you know the AC repair technician is coming, and this is the ideal opportunity to write them down so that you can get as much information as you can to care for your unit. Trust that the best technicians want you to save money and have fewer AC repairs, and they’ll be more than happy to guide you towards the best practices you can do at home to ensure this. And don’t forget to write down the answers to the questions you ask so that you can refer back to them when the time comes.

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Air Conditioning History Is Part of Gulf Coast History

April 14th, 2017


Air Conditioning History Is Part of Gulf Coast History

Everyone living on the Gulf Coast in the Cities of Panama City, Destin, Fort Walton, Gulf Shores, Orange Beach and Pensacola should know the history of the air conditioner because it took place in their back yard. Air conditioning is a necessity on the Gulf Coast of Florida. Even though many people consider air conditioning a necessity, they do not know who invented it or where it was created. Many Florida residents would be shocked to find out that the origins of the air conditioner go back to a small town east of Panama City.

The beginnings of the mechanical air conditioning and refrigeration began in the town of Apalachicola. Apalchicola is a small town located south east of Tallahassee in Northwest Florida. In 1833, A doctor named John Gorrie moved from New York to Apalachicola. At the time, Appalachicola had become the center of a large timber industry. The thriving timber industry drew many people to Apalachicola. Because Apalachicola is on the gulf coast of Florida, it experiences warm temperatures and heavy rainfall. These factors combined with the swamplands around the Apalachicola River basin caused many people in the area to suffer diseases such as malaria and yellow fever. Gorrie moved to Apalachicola to study the tropical diseases. Gorrie believed that the heat had something to do with the illness because malaria and yellow fever were very prevalent in tropical areas. The word malaria acutally means bad air in Italian and Gorrie believed that the air and the heat was causing the illness.

Gorrie believed that the cure for these illnesses lied with cool, clean air. He began subjecting his patients to cooler temperatures in order to heal them. In the 1800’s the only way to cool his patients was to use ice. At that time ice was hard to come by in Florida. To get ice in Florida, blocks of ice were cut from lakes up north and shipped south. In order to keep the blocks they were placed in ice houses underground. As you can imagine this was a very expensive way to cool patients and Gorrie began to search for a better way. Gorrie began to experiment with a way to make ice. He began to work on what would become the beginnings of mechanical refrigeration.

Gorrie’s experiments would lead him to use mechanical energy to compress air. By compressing air and then releasing it, Gorrie found that the air would absorb heat and this would eventually chill what ever was in contact with the cylinder. Gorrie had discovered that when air is compressed and released it expands and absorbes large amounts of heat. When this process is repeated many times the air would eventually remove heat from the water that surrounded the cylinder. Eventually, this machine would cool the water enough to turn it into ice. In 1948, Gorrie filed the first patent for an artificial refrigeration machine. Granted on May 6, 1851 the U.S. Patent No. 8080, “Improved process for the artificial production of ice” was official.

After his patent was officially granted, Gorrie would become the Father of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. Many experiments in refrigeration were being conducted at that time but Gorrie was the first to patent a mechanical refrigeration machine. It would be many years after Gorrie’s patent that refrigeration and air condition would make it into modern lives. Although Gorrie was unable to capitalized off of is invention, his contributions to mechanical refrigeration have impacted the lives of many in the modern world.

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Services Offered by Most AC Repair Companies

April 7th, 2017


If you’re unfamiliar with the services provided by air conditioning companies or you’re unsure of what to look for in an AC repair company, here is a brief review of the services that most AC companies offer. Whether you need a unit installation, AC repair or regular maintenance, you’ll be able to decide which service is right for you.

AC Installation

If you’re looking to install a brand new air conditioning system, most companies can help in finding and choosing the right unit for you. With their expertise and experience, they may offer a variety of AC systems that may be ideal for your home. Whether you’re looking for energy efficiency, a “smart” system, or money savings, an AC repair company can help you chose the right air conditioning system for you. They keep you in mind by giving you the best possible system for your particular home, including one that requires the least amount of maintenance and will help you avoid any unnecessary future AC repair.

AC Repair

The majority of AC repair companies offer 24/7 emergency repairs. Any company that offers this type of service is considered a good choice because of their willingness to serve at any time. Scheduling AC repair, even for just a minor issue, will save you money in the long run. Small repairs will generally keep you from having to make large repairs that will, of course, be significantly more costly.

Discounts and Deals on Air Conditioning Equipment

Many AC repair companies will offer discounts on air conditioners and their components when you schedule an installation or repair with their company. These companies can make recommendations about the best brands, units, and parts for your particular home and budget, so discussing the entire process of buying, installing, and repairing with them will only prove to be beneficial in the end. Many AC repair companies also offer extended warranties on your purchases, sometimes at a discounted rate, to ensure that you get the most out of your air conditioning system.

Regularly Scheduled Maintenance

Many companies will complete regular maintenance checks for you, particularly before extreme weather seasons take place, to ensure that your unit and all of its components are working properly. An AC repair technician will come by and make sure your air conditioning system is running smoothly and at peak performance levels. This allows you the peace of mind that a professional is keeping an eye on your unit, while also maintaining the system and helping you to hopefully avoid any emergency AC repair. Regular maintenance generally includes changing the filters, inspecting and cleaning coils, removing any clogs, and looking at your unit overall to ensure everything is in proper working order.

These services are offered by most AC repair companies, including Peaden. Whether you need an installation, repair, new parts, or regular maintenance, we can help. If you are unaware and unsure of what service is right for you, please feel free to contact us.

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How to Improve the Air Quality in Your Home

March 27th, 2017


We spend a lot of time inside of our homes, and many people don’t know how important our air conditioner and everyday activities are when it comes to the impact on the quality of air that we breathe. And even when protecting our health and the well being of our family is a top priority, we may not think about the air circulating through the vents. Here are a few ways to improve the air quality in your home so that you have peace of mind about what you breathe in.

Stay Proactive When It Comes to AC Repair

When you start to notice that your heating and cooling system isn’t doing its job at peak performance any more, then have a professional inspect it to see if you need an AC repair. Minor repairs will not only help keep your air quality in good shape, but it will give your unit longevity. On top of paying attention to how your unit is working, make sure you’re keeping up with filter changes to ensure the best air quality.

Vacuum and Remove Dust

Dust and dirt will create a space that promotes allergy flare-ups and can cause issues with breathing. By taking the time to remove the dust and vacuum on a regular basis, you’ll find that you not only have a more comfortable ambiance, but that the air is fresher. You’ll also save your system from requiring AC repair when you keep your space as free of dust and dirt as possible. You can also install a 4-inch, extra large pleated air filter to catch more airborne particulates.

Make Sure You Keep Your Home Ventilated

Keeping the air ventilating throughout your home is a good idea to keep infections and lung issues from occurring. You want fresh air to run through your house when possible, so start opening windows when the weather feels delightful outside! Be sure that you turn your air conditioning off when you do this so that you can give it a nice break and save money on your energy bill. Your unit shouldn’t have to run 24/7 all year long, and when you allow it to rest, you’ll find that your unit will last longer and need fewer AC repairs. Try using an ionic air purifier as well. The ions kill kill bacterial and use a negative charge to cause suspended airborne contaminants to clump together and fall out of the air so they can be cleaned.

Keep Up with Visual Inspections

Be on the lookout for mold and mildew around your unit and other areas of your home that are in darker and dampened areas. While these aren’t always something that you can avoid, you can proactively work to prevent them from occurring and keep up with visual inspections.

Let the HVAC Experts Perform a Yearly Service Call

AC repair professionals will know what to look for when want to learn more about the air quality inside your home. If this is a concern of yours, let them know because they’ll not only work to identify the problem, but can perform a yearly service call to get your system working correctly. When your unit is serviced annually, you’ll improve the air quality in your home and prevent many AC repairs that can happen when it’s neglected.

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How to Stay in Control of AC Repair Costs

March 21st, 2017


Sometimes, it’s hard stay in control of finances because so many unexpected things can pop up from car troubles to air conditioning problems. While these times can be disheartening and make you go back to the drawing board of your budget, there are a few things that you can do. If you want to stay in control of AC repairs costs, here are a few tips that you can follow to help you get started.

Start Saving Now

Even saving forty dollars a month for a year will give you almost five hundred dollars for AC repairs and will cover most service calls, and even take the edge off of major repairs. Because you shouldn’t need AC repairs on a routine basis (unless you have a very old unit or one that wasn’t installed correctly), you should have time to really put back a bit of emergency money for things like air conditioning repair. As you watch your fund grow, you can start using some of the money for smaller things like air filters and annual service calls.

Keep Up with Maintenance

If you want to be in control of AC repair costs, then you should never put off routine maintenance like changing out filters and keeping the components of your unit clean. So many people don’t realize that this is one of the most inexpensive ways to ensure that your energy bill stays down and your unit needs fewer repairs.

Practice Energy Efficiency

If you want to stay in control of AC repair costs, then practice energy efficiency throughout your home from the windows to the attic. Your air conditioning unit will work more efficiently when air isn’t escaping and isn’t working continually to fight for the thermostat settings you’ve chosen. By taking a few simple steps, you can insulate your home and see some major savings on your energy bill.

Invest in a New Thermostat

Sometimes you have to spend a little money to save a lot of money, and new thermostats will give you more control when you are in the home, as well as when you are away. Because of new technology, you’ll find that you can control the temperatures of your space remotely to ensure that your unit isn’t working harder than it should when you aren’t there to enjoy the temperatures.

Find a Reputable Company You Can Stick With

You don’t just want to hire someone that you meet in the filter aisle of the grocery store to handle your AC repair needs. If you want to stay in control of costs, your should find a HVAC company that will be there every time you call them and will have an understanding of your unit. It’s frustrating when someone handles the install or AC repair only to find that they are unavailable when you call again. Find a reputable company that works in your location and is available with comprehensive services, and you’ll find that the process is seamless and convenient at every appointment.

Know When to Throw in the Towel and Upgrade

Sometimes the best thing you can do to control costs is knowing when your AC is beyond repair. Although the thought of a large up-front cost for a new AC system can be daunting, it will save you a lot of money, time and worry in the future. Many reputable companies will offer financing to help you spread the cost out over time.

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