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Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog

Water Around the AC: What Should You Do?


There are numerous people who call for air conditioning services that are worried because there is water around their AC unit. This can be very frustrating. The problem is likely with your condensate drain. If you are in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, and Panama City and you need ac repair services, get a hold of Peaden today.

Purpose of the Condensate Drain

The condensate drain is supposed to drain the water from your air conditioning unit and release it in the air, as the heat goes out of your home and your house gets cooled. However, sometimes there are problems with the condensate drains on AC units. You might begin to notice that water is pooling in places that it shouldn’t be. Your ceiling may even drip from the moisture. You may have carpet stains from the water or even mold forming near your AC unit.

Common Issues with Condensate Drains

The water from your AC unit needs to escape somehow. If you maintain the condensate drain well and no issues occur, you will notice that the air doesn’t pool. It is actually being released outdoors. However, you may have a condensate drain that is plugged, so the water can’t escape like it should be. This is going to cause the water to soak up in your carpet, in the air inside your home, and all around the AC unit.

In addition, your AC unit might be having issues with reducing the humidity. This happens when it can’t get the moisture out of your home.

Things to Do About This

If you have noticed water pooling around your AC unit, on the ceiling, or on the carpet, you need to do something about it, but what? You can check to see if the AC’s condensate drain is the issue. However, this takes a bit of knowledge about how the condensate drain works and functions. While you could put a wire through the channels of the unit and it if doesn’t go through well, it may be the condensate drain, this can be tough. You can always call professional AC repair experts to check if the condensate drain is, in fact, the problem. The professionals will test your AC unit. They will see what the issue might be and they can repair whatever that issue may be, as well.

If you have an air conditioner in Pensacola, Fort Walton Beach, or Panama City and there is water pooling around the unit, on the ceiling, or on the carpets near your AC unit, then there is certainly a problem. It is likely to be your condensate drain, but it could be something else, too. Be sure to call Peaden and have the AC repair experts figure out the problem and fix it for you.

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