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Peaden Air Conditioning, Plumbing & Electrical Blog

Is Your AC Unit Ready For the Summer Heat?

For the most part, people will look forward summer from taking a nice vacation to going to the pool to putting away those winter coats. However, there are also those days so hot you feel like you are sticking to every chair you sit in. When summer is at its peak, then you want to be sure you are ready for it, and that includes having your AC unit ready. Here are a few ways that you can check to see if you need an AC repair, and how you can make sure your cooling system is ready for the summer months.

Have You Had an Inspection by a Professional Lately?

You should have your AC unit inspected by a professional once a year to make sure that it is running in prime condition and everything is clean. They will be able to resolve any issues and make AC repairs where necessary. While this may seem like an easy task to skip, it is one that can make the difference between how long your unit runs down the road.

Have You Noticed Good Air Flow?

As you start to turn your air conditioner on this summer, make sure you pay attention to the air flow so that everything seems normal. Pay attention to the smells that come out and if you see any dander being spread when blowing out of the vents. If you notice anything unusual, then call in the experts.

Is Your Home at a Comfortable Temperature?

While you should be realistic about the temperature that your cooling system can product, you should always be able to reach a comfortable temperature in your home. If it is over a hundred degrees outside, then reaching temperatures in the low seventies will be difficult for your unit and will make it work harder than it should. However, you should be able to get fifteen to twenty degrees below the temperatures outside with good installation and a AC unit that is working as it should.

Have You Talked to Your Family About Thermostat Rules?

One way to wear down your unit and need more frequent AC repairs is to have numerous people controlling the thermostat. Whether you and your spouse continually set the temperature differently throughout the day remotely or inside, or you have kids or roommates that go behind you to adjust the thermostat, you will need to have a chat with everyone about the temperatures to set and the basic rules so your unit doesn’t work extra hard.

Have You Invested in a New Thermostat?

If you want to save money on your energy bill and have fewer AC repairs, then check the age of your thermostat. A new thermostat will give you more control over the temperatures and allow you to set reminders for filter changes and other tasks. Plus, they are an affordable way to enhance your air conditioning unit. Ask a professional about your options and get them involved when you want to have a unit that lasts.

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